About Me

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Hi! My name is Jessica Simmons! Baking is a passion of mine! I have been playing around with cakes and cupcakes for a while now and blog about my crazy cupcake journey! I hope you enjoy the blog! I do not take orders. Please remember that all photos presented here are copyrighted by Jessica Simmons with all rights reserved. Thanks!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Lady GaGa has arrived!

This order was so much fun! They are red velvet with cream cheese icing.  Do you recognize her outfits?  I also incorporated a telephone for her duet with Beyonce, a camera to represent her song Paparazzi and playing cards for Poker Face!!  If you are wondering, the answer is yes! Yes, I did channel my inner Gaga by listening to her music while making these fabulous cupcakes!  Thats where the lyrics came from!! So remember, dont be a DRAG, just be a QUEEN!!  <3 

You Fancy Huh?

So I was feeling quite generous and made these cupcakes for my lovely co-workers! I suspect they enjoyed them because there were none left after I sent the "cupcakes in the breakroom" email out.  These were yellow cake with dark chocolate icing and vanilla buttercream! Of course I had to make them Fancy Smancy!! They wouldnt be Posh Cupcakes if I didnt!!  ;)

Friday, April 1, 2011

Lemon Lemon my favorite Lemon!!

So I had some left overs from my previous order and lets just say they didnt last long at all when I brought them to work!  Lemon cake with lemon cream cheese icing topped with graham crackers and a lemon slice! Yum!!!

Backyard BBQ Cupcakes!

These are for a co-workers birthday party. He said he was having a cookout so I thought these fit the theme! Happy Birthday Johnny!